
coeo Group GmbH
Kieler Strasse 16
41540 Dormagen

Tel. +49 2133 2463-0
Fax +49 2133 2463-837

Location of company’s registered office: Dormagen
Commercial register: District Court of Frankfurt am Main HRB 108811
VAT ID No. DE318275916

Managing directors: Karsten Fiedrich, Niels von Hase, Dr. Tom Haverkamp, Marco Hessel, Sebastian Ludwig, Elias Reitter, Dr. Kevin Yam

The server is located in Germany.

Legal notice
We regularly review and update the content on our website. We do this with due care and diligence. The information published on this website does not constitute legal, business or other consulting services and merely serves the purpose of providing general information. We accept no liability and provide no guarantee for the currency, correctness or completeness of the information provided. The same applies to any websites to which users are referred by means of a hyperlink. The coeo Group accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of linked websites. Should we learn of any unlawful or offensive content on the linked websites, we shall promptly remove those links from our website. The providers of such sites are solely liable for any damages resulting, for example, from the use of the information provided on them.

General notification obligation pursuant to Article 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz – VSBG):
coeo Group GmbH does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings in the meaning of the VSBG. There is no statutory obligation to do so.

Information on online dispute resolution according to Article 14 of the ODR Regulation:
Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

Photo credits:
© 2020 coeo Group GmbH

Concept, design and technical implementation:
TYPO3 ageny
Schanzenstrasse 23
51063 Köln/Cologne